The Otomesegui The adventures of Misaki, the second episode is available on the PlayStore Otome no Bibi was born from the passion for Japan and his Usan
The Otome
Follow Misaki's adventures, the second episode is available on the PlayStore
Otome no Bibi was born from the passion for Japan and his customs of a young pair of computer scientists.
The Otome, in Italian "Games for Girls", are hardly found, especially in Italian.
This small app, which took a long time for its realization, is a challenge, but above all a test for us, to understand if this type of app has a following in our country.
It is our first app, be Clementi ... but give us all the suggestions and criticisms you believe can also be constructive for the future. Have fun!
We inform you with pleasure that our app has been included (and reviewed) in the "App Nuserry" space of on 4/3/13.